
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

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Pathways after IEAS Program


Working in the Environmental and Agricultural Sectors

Our university has strong international network of sister universities with intensive and active research and educational programs supproted by Japanese government and business sectors. This network includes the alumni who have been currently working as professors and high-level officials in various countries / regions. IEAS members encourage students to serve as leaders with “field-oriented” mind and skill sets, to identify environmental issues, and to propose effective measures for achieving sustainable development while working in cooperation with local stakeholders in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Studying at the Ph.D. Program

Since the fiscal year 2014 until 2017, the MEXT scholarship for "Program for Highly Professional Engineers and Researchers Leading Sustainable Agricultural Development" is offered for the applicants of IEAS. The Ph.D. program at the Univted Graduate School of TUAT has also cooperated in this special program. We, therefore, welcome the applicants who expect to continue to the Ph.D. program. The application forms for the MEXT Scholarship from fall semester 2016 will be open from November 2015 until January 2016.
